Wednesday, November 30, 2011

July Rose Care

Caring for your roses in the month of July means water, water, water. During these hot months such as July, roses will require more water than usual.  I recommend that you water deeply at least twice a week and to water in the morning instead of the afternoon.  I also recommend not to water overhead, but instead use a drip system or sprinklers close to the ground.  If you do not have an irrigation system, just turn the hose on low and lay it at the base of each plant and let it run for about a half hour per plant.  This will water the root system deeply and keep them from needing watering so frequently.

Fertilizing your roses should be kept to a minimum and should only be a water soluable type.  The only other form of fertilizer that I would recommend would be organics.  My formula is nine pounds of organics (equal parts of bone, alfalfa, cottonseed, blood meals and approximately two cups of fish emulsion to thirty gallons of water.  I stir it twice a day and let it steep for at least 48 hours.  This will make a good drench for your plants.  I like to give each large bush a gallon and the smaller bushes half a gallon.  This is only for the hybrid teas and the English roses.  Most of the other roses don’t need any extra fertilizer except what they get in the weekly spray program.

My spray regimen for July is as follows: mix one and one half teaspoons Honor Guard, three teaspoons Mancozeb, two ounces Monty’s Joy Juice, and two ounces fish emulsion. This mix is for three gallons of water and I spray this mix every seven to ten days.  You can substitute blue water for the Monty’s Joy Juice.  I try not to use any pesticides during July, as I grow vegetables in and around my roses and other flowers.

Last, but not least, keep your roses deadheaded. This will allow them to prepare for the next bloom cycle.  I  cut the stems back just past the first set of five leaves and about half inch above an outward facing bud eye.

Be safe and try to do your gardening in the early morning if you can while it’s cool.  Ms. Janet and I try to be out by  6:00 AM and get as much as we can done by 7:00 AM.  So far we have been able to keep up.

If you have any questions or comments send me an email at or find me on facebook, .  You can also tune in weekly to “That Gardenin’ Guy” at 8:00 AM Saturdays on WNAU1470 AM or listen online at  and click on high school sports and then click on the player that is on your computer. Don’t forget to call in with your questions at 662-534-8133.

Happy Gardening and Keep Digging in the Dirt

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